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hipcilTALKS – Why High School is different from College

hipcilTALKS – Why High School is different from College


Why High School is different from College

Video Transcription.

hipcilTALKS  Why High School is different from College
by Jesse Schwartzman.

Welcome to another hip talk. This time this hip talk is going to be why High School is different from college. So, when you’re in high school you’re usually in a classroom. In college, usually if you’re in a larger college you may be in an auditorium, it’s very important that you get to the front. So, you can hear everything and see everything if you’re in the middle or towards the end you may not be able to see everything. There may be laptops or different cell phones and the glare might be in your way of your concentration and you may not to be able to hear something if you’re in the back. So, it’s very important that you go to the front so you can hear and see everything.

When you don’t understand something it’s on you to take that initiative to go to the professor and tell them that you don’t understand something. If you don’t understand A or B you probably don’t understand C so and that could trickle down for the entire class so very important that you understand if you don’t understand, go to the office hours.

It is very very important also when I was in college, I found it very important to form a study group and to make friends so you can test them they can test you. Something that’s also very very important is it’s up to you on how to learn the material. Some people learn it by reading the material over and over again but the material may be over hundreds of pages or 100 pages each day each week so what’s helped me is usually read the material once and then highlight the important parts and then when you read it the second time or the third time and so on and so forth you find out the important parts.

So, the importance what’s a great thing is if you have a partner or have your study group they may find something important that you have and you could test each other on it. What’s great thing is when I went to school some time ago all the textbooks were actually leather-bound textbooks. They were printed out; a lot of the textbooks now may be online so its even easier you can copy and tape paste the textbooks and make it into notes and you can even print it out or keep it on your own technology. Things have definitely changed made things greater so but it’s really up to you on how you’re going to understand the material.

So also an important thing is when you’re in college you are going to make mistakes, things aren’t going to go your way hundred percent of the time. It’s just unfortunate it’s important that you know that but the key thing is when you make the mistake or when if you make a mistake it’s important that you learn from it or eventually learn from it so you don’t keep making the same mistake over and over. You could waste time and all that other stuff you don’t really want that. So that’s something important to know.

Also when a professor sets a deadline they really do mean that deadline and the reason why it’s there is to help you. When you are in the real world you get a job your boss, he or she may have a particular set deadline or time if they want something to get done. What I usually do is I get it done as soon as possible that way before they’re even expecting it. This helps in college so that when you have deadlines you got to reach it. You got to make it do it as quickly as possible. Do it as efficiently and done as possible and when you’re done it’s good to give yourself that reward that accomplishment that you got it done and now there is something else that will be done.

In high school teachers may have a curve. You may feel like you’re graded differently things are graded differently just because of how your school or high school works in college usually everyone in the class gets get graded the same and that’s something that it may be adjustment you can buckle in and have

that and be ready for it. Just because you have an accommodation to have more time to get the assignment done which is a possibility or have more time on a test doesn’t mean that makes your professor easily grade things. Your grade is the same as everybody else is. So, that’s important and the accommodation that you’re given should be exact as it stated.

So the other thing is finally it’s important to definitely plan out your schedule plan everything out if you find in your first semester that you can handle five classes and you’re literally just making it doesn’t really make sense to take that six classes. If you took five classes and you couldn’t handle it maybe drop down to four. So you’ll learn experience you’ll definitely learn different things but if you’re doing it you feel like you’re doing too much and things are too much, definitely know when to gauge it. That’s definitely your responsibility on how many classes to take.

Just based on what you can handle something that’s helped me is to definitely plan out your schedule. Plan everything out what is unfortunate but it is the way it is. All your professors will probably schedule most of your assignments at the same time. It’s not like they talk and coordinate with each other that’s just how it is. It’s just how the calendar works. Everyone may have a midterm you may have the midterms all at the same time. Be prepared have that schedule down to week to week month to month with adjustments. If you can it’s important to really try that time management and to really stick to a Plan. You can give it the old college try and definitely see if it works out for you. This has been another hip talk as usual if you have any questions or comments or talk about other topics we can discuss definitely reach out to me at Jschwartzman@hipcil.org. Once again, that’s Jschwartzman@hipcil.org. This has been great I hope you found this very helpful and we’ll definitely do another hip talk soon.


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hipcilTALKS – Why High School is different from College

hipcilTALKS Rachel’s Advocacy Journey


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hipcilTALKS Rachel’s Advocacy Journey featuring Rachel Adams Duffy.

Hello everyone, my name is Rachel and I am so glad to be here today. I am speaking for hip the heightened Independence and progress program. It is such an honor to be here sharing my advocating journey with this program today and I’m so grateful to have this opportunity. My hope with sharing this talk is allowing it to be shared to where other individuals see it. Where it shared as a message of appreciation and hopefulness for the future for other people that have disabilities.

I have been an advocate for myself since July of 2018 and my journey started actually because of a phone call. I knew that I wanted to speak to this social worker of a program that I attended after high school. I knew I had it in me to speak up to know that I wanted to talk to her and with that I am myself made the phone call as scary and as nervous as I was to do it, I made that phone call and that’s how my advocating journey began. I’m so beyond proud of that now some of the opportunities that I’ve been given.

I’ve spoken to a school that’s actually located in Oakland New Jersey I spoke for their student transition education program which solely focuses on job employment opportunities getting people’s voices heard out in the community within with the support of people behind them. The sole focus of that program is after before the graduation after the program is over. The sole fact of the program initially is for the individuals themselves to be able to speak up for themselves and advocate for themselves in the best way possible so they get the opportunities that they do deserve which in turn is an incredible thing because I was one of those students that was offered incredible opportunities because of that program and again I’m beyond grateful for that. That program really shaped me for who I am today and I can say if it wasn’t for that program. After I graduated high school I would not be sitting here right now recording this video so I’m very much grateful for that program and for what they offered me and what I was giving.

Lastly, I would like to say that I’m now apart of Access for All for Saddle Brook New Jersey. I would also like to say thank you to this program and for allowing me to come in today speak for hip and their program and organization and it was such an honor to have this opportunity to be here today. Thank you.


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hipcilTALKS – Why High School is different from College

hipcilTALKS Resume & Interview prep


Video Transcription.

hipcilTALKS Resume & Interview prep
by Jesse Schwartzman.

Welcome back to another hip talk my name is Jesse and today we’re talking about resume and interview prep. So it’s very important when you’re looking at a resume to make sure that there’s no spelling errors.

I’ve looked at resumes for bosses in the past and with all the technology out there that has all the spell check and all that stuff you would still see people that have resumes that have incorrect errors. That have spelling errors that have sentence errors it’s very important to make sure that you do a double check and triple check of your resume for these errors.

Also if you’re going to include bullet points make sure these bullet points are the same size they’re the same color and that they’re even and not out of place and when you’re adding stuff to your bullet points make sure the content’s good.

Make sure you’re using action words organized worked on those types of action words are really good if you’re currently working there you would use you’re currently working there you’re currently spearheading a particular mission and if it’s a job that you no longer have you spearheaded something.

Make sure the correct tenses are important and make sure you use the most relevant position that you’re the most relevant experience that you have put it at the top because people are looking at so many different people are applying for jobs make sure you have the most important things most relevant to the position at the top. Ensure you’re putting all your important info your contact information at the top so I don’t have to go on a wild goose chase of looking on the bottom of the resume make sure it’s one page because honestly they’re only going to look at one page.

When you’re looking at interview prep make sure you do research on the company, I usually like to do it about two or three days before I have the interview. Sometimes people call you in for an interview on the day before if that happens you really hit the ground running get started make sure you really know about the company.

I’ve gone on interviews I didn’t really know exactly what the company did and who the important people were. I didn’t know much about the experience of the person I was interviewing me. Make sure you do that research you can look on LinkedIn and you can learn a little bit about them. See if maybe a past colleague or a past classmate from college went there you can reach out learn a little bit about the company. That way they can maybe help with the reference and contacts are very very key in this game.

Make sure you have all this selling points of why they really want to hire you make sure you have three or four past stories that mold you in and make you that perfect hire for this job. The person that they’ve been waiting for they’ve searched long and far and you’re the right person. Make sure you make that personal pitch some things that you may want to include is that practice your 60 second pitch practice.

The question they’re definitely going to ask you is why should we hire you or tell me about yourself these are very these things they want to know. They’ll probably ask at the beginning, it’s very important that you have an answer and you have a good you have a good answer to these questions.

Usually, it should include a little bit about your experience make sure the experience that you’re talking about is tailored to the role and include what you’re looking to get out of the role look at what you’re trying to accomplish. They really like someone that’s just not taking the job to take the job they want someone who’s going to take the job take it running has a plan has a future and the future is to be with that company that’s something definitely like

So on the day of the interview, I would say it’s very very important to even if it’s a zoom interview to be well dressed. I feel like that’s something very important. That’s what I would say anyone would tell you make sure things that you’re wearing are clean and that they fit well. Anything that employers are they’re going to be looking at everything and they’re probably hiring a lot of people so anything that can put you over the top is going to be very very helpful. They’re going to look for ways to not hire you versus hire you.

It’s unfortunate but that’s the name of the game so definitely make sure you go in there. You bring the confidence you appear happy you don’t appear nervous because they can tell so if you’re not confident if you’re not ready for it then they know.

Take a quick call from a friend they could hype you up watch a YouTube video you really need to be confident and hyped up to get the job and then once it’s over you’re gonna thank them for their time. you’re going to have that firm handshake obviously the smiling and the confidence is going to be really important. Don’t forget that thank you note I know from past experience how important that thank you note is.

So this was just a couple of tips and tools if you have any other things that could be helpful for other people dump it in the chat. I’ll have my contact information in the chat this has been great I really hope it’s been helpful and I wish you best of luck on your job search.

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hipcilTALKS – Why High School is different from College

hipcilTALKS on Mental Health

hipcilTALKS on Mental Health

Video Transcription.

hipcilTALKS on Mental Health,
by Meaghan Velten.

hi my name my name is Megan and
I’m here on behalf of heightened Independence
in Progress (hip) to give a hip talk about mental health
especially as it pertains to college students
now as college students you are known offices when it
comes to stressors there are a lot of
things that could derail your mental
health over the course of a year or
maybe a semester for instance if it’s
midterms or finals that’s different than
if it’s the beginning of the semester if
you are having interpersonal problems
like if you’re having friendship
problems romantic relationship problems
or family issues that could also be
things that affect you and those are
external factors there are also internal
factors things that affect you and you
alone and are based on you or you alone
and both things are really important to
think about when we think about stress
and when we think about mental health
because both are components that go into
the state of your mental health now when
I say external versus internal
what am I talking about well for
internal factors those are things that
you are affecting for yourself so this
could look like do you take medication
if you are are you taking it regularly
are you sleeping regularly what’s your
sleep pattern looking like are you
drinking enough water are you uh getting
enough sunlight which is also really
important and things that you can
control within yourself those are what I
talk about when I talk about internal
factors there are also external factors
and these things can be broken into
necessary and not necessary which isn’t
the same thing as unimportant
necessary might be you have a midterm
coming up and you have a project that
you have to turn in for that midterm
that’s something that you absolutely
need to do that’s going to further your
college education that’s something that
you have to turn in unnecessary maybe
you were thinking about an argument you
had with a friend it’s not unimportant
but it’s not the same thing as having to
turn in that midterm so you move past
these things differently if it’s
something that’s important if it’s
something that’s necessary then you
would go about making a plan for it so
that could look like making a timetable
for yourself and trying to keep yourself
on a timely schedule it could look like
asking for external validation like a
tutoring center if you’re unsure about
where to go or if you’re not sure if the
paper you’re turning in makes a lot of
sense you could go to a tutoring center
there are resources for you on your
college campus that you can access for
instance through the office of
specialized services that would be an
excellent place to start if you had a
question about something that related to
your schooling or even your own health
and then there’s
through the other half let’s say an
argument with a friend and that’s
something that’s going through your mind
and that’s something that’s stressing
you it is important to move past it in a
way that is beneficial for you you could
look like forgiving forgetting uh
reworking rewarding readdressing and
just in general trying to make the best
of a situation that maybe isn’t the most ideal
and those are both very important skills to have now
is it important to make healthy habits
of course it’s important to make healthy
habits but that’s sort of a general term
that people use and maybe it’s difficult
to get started with because you’re not
really sure where to start well it could
look like a lot of different things
depending on your life and your schedule
and what you need you could start by
setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier so
you’re more alert by the time you get to
class this could look like keeping track
of what you’re eating to make sure that
you’re hitting all of the major food
groups and eating as healthily as
possible because feeding your body
is very important for your mental health
if you eat the wrong things if you eat
less if you eat too much it could affect
your mental health
even though it doesn’t seem like those
things are necessarily connected it can
be very important and it could also look
like saying no to being invited out if
you’re exhausted or you’re over peopled
or if you have something important that
you need to get done
sometimes saying no is one of the most
important things we can do for our
Mental Health
so what are some productive habits you
could make out of all of this that will
increase your mental health and affect
the way positively that you address stressors
um you anything that adds structure ease
and productivity to your day could be
considered a healthy habit and it could
be timing sleep it could also be making
sure that you are doing coursework in a
way that makes the most sense for you
because different writing styles and
different note-taking skills work best
for different people while some people
like color coding and highlighting
different vocab or whatever with
different colors some people work better
with flashcards or some people work
better with copying their notes over by
hand so that they have a better
understanding of it really when it comes
to your mental health and when it comes
to Stress Management the most important
thing you can do is know yourself know
your limits know what’s important to you
know what’s an important takeaway for
you and really sticking to
those sorts of habits and those
gravitating towards those sorts of
positive people but of course overall
the most important thing possible for
your mental health is to be kind to
to forgive yourself to understand that
you are a work in progress putting too
much stress on yourself is a stress
factor into itself and can affect your
mental health and can affect your
ability to do your schooling it’s very
important that you remember
being kind to yourself first and
everything else follows after

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hipcilTALKS – Why High School is different from College

hipcilTALKS about college

hipcilTALKS about college

Video Transcription.

hipcilTALKS about college.
by Jesse Schwartzman.


Welcome to the first of many hip talks about the transition from high school to college.

My name is Jesse and I will talk about how stay organized some time management skills how best to scroll through your campus email and how to be an active listener.

I’m wearing a black shirt I have brown hair blue eyes and I’m wearing glasses or pronouns are he him there are many ways to stay organized.

I use reminders on my phone when I was in college I checked my calendar every night to check to see if I had to wake up early for either 7 AM or 8 30 a.m class or if I had to get up early to finish up a paper.

I would also check my calendar in the morning to see what I had going on to see if I had any preparations that needed to be done.

I also found it very helpful to make sure I had a folder and a separate section in a notebook or just a separate notebook for every subject that helps to keep organized and to stay organized and to make sure that you can separate all your different lessons from all your different subjects at the beginning of the month.

I also found it helpful to put dates and any other on points on a calendar either on a digital calendar or a or sometimes some type of planner.

I also used to have a dry erase board back in college facing my bed so I could use it when I went to bed and to woke up and when I woke up some of these things may not be applicable to everyone but um some of these things could help or be helpful um here’s a secret everything that you want to do you can find time to do in college you may have to get up early or stay up late or maybe or maybe spend less time on Tick Tock or Instagram or Facebook.

I’m not sure if anyone really uses uh uses Facebook in college anymore um in my senior year of college I worked about nine hours a week took six classes was president of an organization was in the student government and I had an internship that I went to for about two days a week what helped me was I was very conscious of my time.

I knew thanks to those things on to the items on the calendar to the constant reminders that I had um that I always knew where I needed to be and that was just very very helpful um what also was very helpful was setting up a to-do list of uh things that had to be done during the week or during the day um and I I actually stuck to it if you don’t stick to your to-do list there’s really no point of having a to-do list um and I felt like it was very very uh helpful because you can check off each thing and could focus on one task at a time which could make it feel like less that you’re doing one task at a time versus the tens of things that you have to do um.

I would also highly advise adding your school email to your cell phone um it would be very helpful if the college is trying to get in touch with you or for professors trying to get in touch with you and they communicate by email.

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