Seniors age 75 and older are able to access free, dedicated COVID-19 vaccine appointments in New Jersey
Directly call senior-specific hotline Seniors, 75 and older, can call 856 249 7007 (senior-specific NJ COVID Call Center hotline,available 8 am 8 pm) to:
Register, schedule and reschedule appointments as neededThis is a phone number just for those 75 and older.
Receive calls from the NJ COVID Vaccine Call Center Seniors who are 75 and older on the New Jersey Vaccine Scheduling System waitlist may receive calls or messages from the NJ COVID Vaccine Call Center to schedule dedicated appointments at the following locations:
Gloucester mega site
Inspira Health (Mullica Hill and Vineland)
Walmart (~60 sites)
Other sites as available These sites may have dedicated appointments for those 75 and older
Schedule directly with hospitals, pharmacies and other sites certain hospitals as well as the following retail pharmacies across the state: