(201) 996-9100 Bergen / (201) 533-4407 Hudson
Letter September 2024

Letter September 2024

To my colleagues and friends: 

As I approach my 50th year working under the recommendations and mandates of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; as amended I feel the need to reflect on my service to ensure that people with disabilities were able to realize career dreams, enjoy the power to make informed choices about lifestyles and employment and to manage their lives independently under the mantra, “nothing about us without us”. 

I started my career working under Title I of the Act as a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor crafting plans designed to lead to employment in jobs for which people with disabilities were eminently qualified. I moved on to manage the In-Service Training Program for the agency which not only renewed and replenished the skills of the VR Counselors, but we raised the education to a master’s level increasing the counseling staff skills to better serve the consumers. 

Moving on to the administrative level of DVRS I was able to affect policy and carry out programs through thoughtful funding and innovative programs that met the needs of an ever-evolving consumer population that demanded increased options and opportunities. My last 10 years with the agency were at the Executive level where I had the opportunity to see both sides of the organization and brought them together to best serve job seekers with disabilities. 

Finally, after leaving DVRS and joining the Independent Living movement I was able to revisit my enthusiasm about the excitement of seeing people with disabilities thrive in their communities. 

My goal for HIPCIL was always to strengthen services to the people of Hudson County and in the mid 1980’s I was able to convince the administration of DVRS to provide space in the Jersey City office to nurture a satellite program. Our founder Eileen Goff was able to skillfully apply to the US Department of Education’s Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) and secure the federal funds for a free-standing agency, Our Hudson County Unit was successfully thriving on its own. 

I retired from DVRS and was invited to apply to take over from Eileen to be the President/CEO of this great agency. Having been born and raised in Hudson County I recognized the unique needs of its citizens with disabilities. The needs of the citizens of both Hudson and Bergen Counties were shifting amid changing economic and ethnic demographics and I knew that both counties would benefit by combining staff members with specific skill sets and talents to be useful in both communities. I am happy to report that we have made great strides in staffing and have increased our ability to expand services.   

Earlier this year I proposed a succession plan to the Board of Trustees to gradually include Marily Gonzalez our VP/COO in more activities in Bergen in anticipation for her to take the reins and lead HIPCIL as the President/CEO beginning 10-1-2024. We will continue to maintain our presence in both counties. 

My transition will be to offer my services as a consultant.  As I reflect on a long and satisfying career in public service and the nonprofit world I plan to focus on my continued interest in disability services, policy and advocacy, age-friendly initiatives and college options for people with developmental disabilities though community college programs.  

While I can proudly look back on a fulfilling career, I will also anticipate the great things to come. Thank you for all the work that you do every day. 


Brian Fitzgibbons 


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Blindness is a spectrum

Blindness is a spectrum

Blindness isn’t a tragic binary — it’s a rich spectrum


When does vision loss become blindness? Writer, audio producer and editor Andrew Leland explains how his gradual loss of vision revealed a paradoxical truth about blindness — and shows why it might have implications for how all of us see the world.

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hipcil Accessible Door Opener Push Button

hipcil Accessible Door Opener Push Button

Accessible Door Opener Push Button
hipcil Hackensack Office

We have modified the front door in our Hackensack location so we can have access for everyone.

Entering to the office

Leaving the office

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Barbie doll with Down syndrome

Barbie doll with Down syndrome

Mattel unveils its first Barbie doll with Down syndrome

WASHINGTON — Toy company Mattel revealed its first Barbie doll representing a person with Down syndrome on Tuesday.

Mattel collaborated with the National Down Syndrome Society to create the Barbie and “ensure the doll accurately represents a person with Down syndrome,” the company said.

Design features of the new Barbie were made under guidance from NDSS, Mattel said. In addition to portraying some physical characteristics of a person with Down syndrome, the Barbie’s clothing and accessories carry special meaning.

The blue and yellow on the doll’s dress, accompanied by butterflies, represent symbols and colors associated with Down syndrome awareness. And the three chevrons on the Barbie’s necklace represent how people with Down syndrome have three copies of their 21st chromosome, Mattel said.

In addition, the Barbie wears ankle foot orthotics, which some children with Down syndrome use.

Mattel’s first Barbie doll representing a person with Down syndrome.
Mattel’s first Barbie doll representing a person with Down syndrome.Mattel, Inc. via AP
“This means so much for our community, who for the first time, can play with a Barbie doll that looks like them,” NDSS President and CEO Kandi Pickard said in a statement. “This Barbie serves as a reminder that we should never underestimate the power of representation.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Down syndrome is the “most common chromosomal condition” diagnosed in the U.S. today. About 6,000 babies are born across the country each year with Down syndrome, the CDC said.

Barbie’s new doll representing a person with Down syndrome is part of Mattel’s 2023 Fashionistas line, which is aimed at increasing diversity and inclusivity. Previous dolls that have been introduced to the Fashionistas line include a Ken doll with a prosthetic leg, a Barbie with hearing aids and dolls with a skin condition called vitiligo.

“We are proud to introduce a Barbie doll with Down syndrome to better reflect the world around us and further our commitment to celebrating inclusion through play,” Lisa McKnight, executive vice president and global head of Barbie and Dolls at Mattel, said in a statement.

April 26, 2023, 9:01 AM EDT / Source: Associated Press


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hipcil continues to grow!

hipcil continues to grow!

hipcil continues to grow!

Our donation program has become so successful that we’ve had to upgrade to a full-sized storage unit!.



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Housing Authority of Bergen County Tenant/Participant “Coffee Breaks”

Housing Authority of Bergen County Tenant/Participant “Coffee Breaks”

Housing Authority of Bergen County Tenant/Participant “Coffee Breaks”


The Housing of Bergen County will be hosting Coffee Breaks throughout the 2023 Year for Tenants/Participants who would like to stop in with questions regarding the Housing Choice Voucher Program.

Feel free to stop in on any of the dates below with those questions you’ve been wanting to ask and haven’t had the opportunity too.

  • February 27
  • May 22
  • August 28
  • November 20

The purpose of these sessions is so that HCV Section 8, current and future, participants can ask questions gain a better understanding of how their voucher and the HCV Section 8 program works.

Join us on any of these dates
at 12:30pm – 1:30pm.

All sessions will be via Zoom.

Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 879 4036 5840
Passcode: 820908
Dial In – 929 436 2866 US (New York)

Questions? Comments? Contact: info@habcnj.org

** We will not be discussing specific and personal LL/tenant issues. Please email the address above for any specific LL/tenant issue you may be having. **

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